Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sophie Kinsella- The Secret Dreamworld Of A Shopaholic


"Rebecca Bloomwood is a single twenty-five year old young woman who has what every other person her age would only dream of. She lives in a very trendy flat in London, has many socialite friends, and a closet of beautiful clothes.

But Rebecca is not as well-off as she seems to others; just very well into debt. Rebecca has a serious problem with shopping far too much, and her credit cards are completely maxed-out, as well as her account being overdrawn at the bank. Her job as a journalist does not even begin to pay even half of her debts, and besides, it bores her to tears every day. Rebecca doesn't know what to do with her life, as things go from bad to worse. She's feeling desparate, until one day, a grand opportunity comes along to go on television with a story.

When Rebecca receives this opportunity, it will transform and change her life for the better. It is only then that she will be able to catch up with her debt, and pay her bills, and get her life back in order. And in the process, she finds a man in her life that will make her truly a happier person.”

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